Google Trends Number Meaning

Google Trends Number Meaning


So you have ever searched keywords on Google Trends and seen some numbers there, like 50, 80, 100, and then thought, "Hey brother, what are these numbers?" Don't panic, I will tell you in simple language what these numbers mean and how you can make your business or content better by understanding them.

What does this number from 0 to 100 indicate?

Trending Score

See, these numbers don't tell you how many times a keyword has been searched, rather they show the popularity of that keyword at a particular time. That is, if a keyword is at 100, it means that it was the most trending at that time. And if the score is 50, it means that its trending level was half. And if it is 0 or close to 0, then understand that it was searched very less.

How does the Google Trends score work?

Google Trends score is actually based on relative. That is, it does not show you the data of just one keyword but compares it with other keywords.

1. Search comparison

If you searched three keywords in Google Trends and one has a score of 100, the second one 50 and the third one 30, then it means that the first keyword was searched the most and the rest of the keywords were searched less respectively.

2. Trends over time

Google Trends shows you how a keyword's popularity has changed over time. You can see if a trend has increased or decreased over the past 12 months. This data helps you understand what people are searching for at a given time.

3. Regional data

You can also see which keyword is trending the most in which country or region. This can help you target your business to a specific region.

How to understand Google Trends score?

Now let's dig a little deeper. Suppose, you are searching for a keyword like "iPhone 15" and you get a score of 75. So you must be wondering what does 75 mean? It means that this keyword is close to its highest popularity, but is not the most trending.

1. It is not a search volume

First of all, Google Trends does not show you search volume. This number shows how popular that keyword was at that time and place. So if "iPhone 15" has a score of 100, then understand that it is trending the most at that time.

2. Difference of time and place

You will see different trends at different times and places. Like if you look at the data of last year, maybe "iPhone 14" had a score of 100, and this year "iPhone 15" has a score of 100. So it keeps changing all the time.

How to use Google Trends numbers?

Now the question comes that after knowing these numbers, how will you use them? So let us give you some ideas:

1. Predict future trends

Using Google Trends, you can understand which keyword will trend more in the coming time. With this, you can plan your marketing or content accordingly.

2. Understand the competition

You can also analyze your competitors through Google Trends. You can see which keywords they are doing well on and how you can get ahead of them.

3. Help in SEO

If you are running a blog or website, then Google Trends also tells you which keywords will be good for SEO. If a keyword is constantly going up, then it would be right to include it in your content.

How to use Google Trends?

Google Trends is very easy to use. Let us tell you some of its steps:

Go to Google Trends

First of all go to the Google Trends website.


Now enter the keyword in the search bar that you want to check. Suppose you searched for "iPhone 15".

View the graph

On searching, you will get a graph showing the score according to time. Here you can see how the popularity of this keyword was in the last 12 months.

Filter data

You can also view data by time frame, country, or region. This allows you to analyze trends for a specific region or time period.

Search score on google

Why is Google Trends important in 2024?

The importance of Google Trends has increased even more in 2024. To be successful in marketing, blogging, or business, you must know the right trends.

1. Marketing planning

You can create your digital marketing strategy by looking at the data of Google Trends. This will let you know when and where to market.

2. Local marketing

If you are targeting the local market, then the regional data of Google Trends can show you the right direction.

3. Product demand

With Google Trends, you can also know which product is in increasing demand, so that you can prepare your business in advance.


The numbers shown in Google Trends actually show you relative trends, not search volume. If you understand these numbers correctly, then you can improve your marketing.

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