How to do market research using Google Trends in 2024

How to do market research using Google Trends in 2024


Look, if you want to stay in the market and move in the right direction, then you have to understand the trends. And for this, there is no better tool than Google Trends. Now in 2024, when everything has gone digital, the ways of doing market research have also changed. In this article, I will tell you how you can use Google Trends so that your marketing strategy becomes even stronger.

What is Google Trends?

You must have heard the name of Google Trends. But if you have not heard, then there is nothing to worry about. This is a tool that tells you what kind of things people are searching on Google, which topics or products are trending at the moment and when which topic became a hit or flop. This gives you an idea of what is increasing or decreasing the public's interest.

Why is Google Trends important in market research?

Google Trends

In 2024, the secret of every successful business is - data! And collecting the right data is the purpose of market research. Google Trends helps you understand what is trending for your industry or your products. Now to understand this, let me tell you some things:

Identify trends:

It is very important to know what is going on in the market. Google Trends shows you what people are searching for the most. With this, you can understand which product or service is in demand.

Understand seasonal demand:

There are some products whose demand is seasonal. For example, if you are in the fashion industry, then Google Trends can help you understand which clothes will be in trend in summer and what will be a hit in winter.

Identify the area with more search:

You can also know where your product is being searched the most. With this, you can better identify your target audience and location.

Analyze the competition:

Now you can also know how your competitors are doing. Google Trends shows you how often people are searching for other brands compared to your brand.

Search volume analysis:

This tool tells you how many times a particular keyword has been searched for. This gives you an idea of which topic or keyword will be beneficial to work on.

How to use Google Trends correctly?

How to Use Google Trends

Now I will teach you how to use Google Trends correctly so that you can make the most of it in market research.

1. No need to register and login

You do not need to create an account to use Google Trends. Just go to the Google Trends website, and start entering your keywords directly from there.

2. Enter keyword in the search bar

You just have to enter the keyword you want to analyze in the search bar. For example, if you are interested in the fashion industry, enter a keyword like "summer dresses" and then see how the trend is going.

3. Apply filters

You can apply different filters in Google Trends such as:

Location: You can see what the trends are saying at a particular country or global level.

Time frame: You can see data from the last one hour to the last 5 years.

Categories: You can also choose which industry you want data related to.

Search type: Information like web search, image search, YouTube search, news search can also be found.

4. Understand the graph

Now when you search, you will get a graph. This graph will show you how the popularity of your chosen keyword is changing over time. From this, you can see which time will be best for your product or service.

5. Use related keywords

Google Trends also shows you "Related Queries" i.e. related keywords. These are the keywords that people search for along with your searched topic. You can use them in your content and SEO strategy.

Using Google Trends for Advanced Market Research

Now let me tell you about some advanced ways so that you can do even better market research in 2024.

1. Compare data from different times

The biggest advantage of Google Trends is that you can compare the trends of previous years. This lets you know when the popularity of your product or industry was the highest and when it went down.

2. Do competitive analysis

Suppose, you and your competitor sell the same type of product. You can compare your brand and its brand on Google Trends. This will let you know whose product is more hit.

3. Compare multiple keywords

You can compare multiple keywords simultaneously. This will help you understand which keyword is more important for your business and which one to focus on.

4. Analyze YouTube trends

If you are into video content or YouTube marketing, Google Trends also shows you YouTube search data. With this, you can know which videos or topics are trending on YouTube.

Compare in Google trend and do more

Benefits of Google Trends in 2024

Now let's see what benefits you can get by using Google Trends in 2024:

Real-time data:

Whenever you need information about any trend, you can go to Google Trends and see the data immediately.

Free tool:

You don't have to spend any money to use it.


Google's data is huge and reliable, so you get accurate and precise information.

Better marketing strategy:

You get to know at what time and location you should do your marketing so that more and more people know about your product.


Look, to be successful in 2024, you should know how to use Google Trends correctly. This is a tool that gives you the right information about trends so that you can take your marketing strategy in the right direction. If you have not used it till now, then take advantage of it today and see how it helps in your business growth.

Google Trends can give a new direction to your business - just need to use it correctly!

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