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The 3 Pillars of True Thought Leadership

Learn how to become a real thought leader and create content that creates value, not just engagement.

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The 3 Pillars of True Thought Leadership

The 3 Pillars of True Thought Leadership

The Right Way to Create Value

Have you ever wondered who is a real thought leader? Is that person who posts on social media every day and uses big buzzwords? Or one that understands the problems of its audience and provides them with the right solutions? If you are thinking that thought leadership is just about increasing engagement, then this article is for you. Let us understand in a friendly manner what real thought leadership is and how to create it.

What does Thought Leadership mean?

Thought leadership is a word that everyone is using these days. But have you ever wondered what its real meaning is? A thought leader is a person who not only gives new ideas but also understands the problems of his audience and provides them with the right solutions. It's not just about posting on social media or increasing followers. It's about creating value.

Social Posts ≠ Thought Leadership

We all have that friend who calls themselves a "thought leader." They think they know everything and tell others how to solve their problems. But in reality, they cannot solve their problems on their own. It's just like someone saying their cat is a kung fu master.

When I talk to people like this, I ask them, "Why do you think you're a thought leader? Your posts are just a bunch of buzzwords." And the answer is always the same: "I talk about important things and post on social media. Therefore, I am a thought leader."

But the problem here is that this logic does not work. This is a "post hoc fallacy", where people assume that one thing causes another thing when it does not. For example, if your phone is not charging, it does not mean that you have to buy a new phone. It may be possible that the cable is damaged or there is dirt in the charging port.

Similarly, just posting on social media does not make you a thought leader. A real thought leader provides value to his audience and understands their problems.

Engagement Trap: Why Are Marketers Fired Every 6 Months?

This “posting is thought leadership” mindset is not just a misconception. This is indicative of a bigger problem in the world of marketing. Nowadays, marketers are focused on increasing engagement, not on original ideas. They think that the more posts they make, the more engagement they will get. And increasing engagement will increase brand growth and sales.

But the problem here is that high engagement does not mean high sales. It's just a way to grab people's attention. If your content is just there to feed the algorithm, you're just making noise. You're not generating any leads because your customers aren't listening to you.

3 Pillars of Real Thought Leadership

The 3 Pillars of True Thought Leadership

Real thought leadership is not just about increasing followers. It's about providing value to your audience and solving their problems. Here are the three pillars that define true Thought Leadership:

1. Understand the Problems of Your Target Audience

Customers don't care about you. They just want solutions to their problems. And often, it is difficult for them to explain their problem clearly. When you understand their problems and give them a voice, you start building trust. This is where the "halo effect" comes into play: Customers think you have the solution because you can explain the problem better than anyone else.

2. Explain to Customers the Right Option for Them

As prices rise and options expand, customers need clarity. They need to know what will work for them, not just features. By helping them understand the tradeoffs, you can show thought leadership and build credibility.

3. Help them see their Problem in a New Way

Innovation is defined by the customer, not you. Your audience only becomes interested in your ideas if they understand how they apply to their problems. Thought leaders help their audiences see problems and solutions in new ways.

Thought Leadership Is About Usefulness, Not Algorithms

Real thought leadership isn't just about feeding algorithms. It's about giving your audience the information they need. This way, you build trust and credibility and become a true thought leader.

So, if you're wondering how to become a thought leader, remember: It's not just about followers and likes. It's about understanding your audience and solving their problems.

Are you ready to become a real thought leader? If yes, then get started today!

Questions? We've Got Answers.!

What is thought leadership?

Thought leadership is the ability to understand your audience’s problems and provide meaningful solutions, rather than just posting on social media for engagement.

Why is posting on social media not equal to thought leadership?

Posting on social media without providing real value is just noise. True thought leadership comes from solving problems and offering new perspectives.

What are the three pillars of real thought leadership?

The three pillars are: 1) Understanding audience problems, 2) Helping them make the right choice, and 3) Presenting problems in a new way.

How can I become a thought leader?

To become a thought leader, focus on solving real problems, educating your audience, and providing valuable insights rather than chasing engagement.

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