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You all must have noticed that the prices of products keep changing in the online marketplace, and many times we see that a special discount is shown between the old price and the new price. To make it easier, Google has now Sale Pricing And priceType Property Support has been added to your merchant listing documentation. If you are also an online seller, then this information may be important for you. Let us know about this update in detail and how you can implement it on yourwebsite.
Sale Pricing is actually the discount price that you set for your product during the promotional period. With this update, Google has made it even easier for merchants to change how old and new prices are shown in their listings.
Using structured data, you can easily tell Google at what discount your product is being sold. You can now show both the original price and selling price of a product using structured data on your website. For this you will have to use Schema.org markup, so that Google can get the correct information.
Google has added another feature which priceType They say. The purpose of this is that if a product in your merchant listing is on discount, Google can easily know which price is the actual price and which is discounted. priceType Property actually your product list price , which is the price before discount.
Suppose the original price of your product is ₹2000, but you are selling it for ₹1500 after discount. In this case you can use this markup:
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Correct use of Structured Data and Schema Markup can improve your website's ranking and SEO. When you add a sale pricing and priceType property to your website, Google gets information that your products are discounted. This will make your products more visible and discounts will be clearly visible to users, which can increase your CTR (Click Through Rate).
Make sure you provide both the real price and the discounted price in your listing. This will enable Google to display your listing correctly.
Use Schema Markup consistently and correctly on every product page of your website. If you don't do this, your listing may be incorrect or may not appear at all.
Use tools like Google Search Console and Rich Results Test to see if Structured Data is working properly on your website.
Google has introduced this update for the convenience of online merchants. With this, merchants can provide information about product discounts on their website in a better way and Google can also show it correctly. This is likely to increase the traffic and number of customers on your website.
With the Sale Pricing and priceType properties, sellers can now show their product prices and discounts more clearly through Google. This update is extremely beneficial for all those sellers who want to improve their listings and reach more customers.
Google's 'sale pricing' property allows merchants to highlight discounted prices directly in search results, improving visibility and attracting price-conscious customers.
The 'PriceType' property helps differentiate between standard, sale, and bulk pricing, allowing users to quickly understand the context of the displayed price.