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Since the availability of ads is so high, the populations of target consumers are getting smarter and are not easily swayed by conventional methods of marketing. It helps brands to find new approaches on how to stand out and interact with their target clients. One such approach that has emerged is anti-advertising which this paper defines as a new advertising technique that works as a direct opposite of typical advertising.
Indeed over the decades advertising has matured and has undergone remarkable changes. The evolution of advertisement has been through the years, from simple product-based advertisements during the early part of the 20th century to more psychological-based advertisements during the late 20th and early 21st century. With the audiences becoming more skeptical, there was a demand for something new thus the advent of anti-advertising.
Anti-advertising may be defined as a concept within the sphere of marketing that pays special attention to the fact that the modern consumer does not trust advertisements and often acts in opposition to them. Usually, it is used as a self-obsessed, funny, or postmodern comment, wherein the excess or ridiculousness of normal advertising.
Anti-advertising works in a way that disrupts the conventional strategy that is followed by the advertisement makers or at least tries to do so. It does not try to deceive its viewers or make large promises about a product, and it doesn’t shy away from portraying broken things as beautiful. This approach makes a change in expectations on the side of the audience thus enhancing the impact of the message.
Consumers are more likely to trust a brand as long as it is honest, specifically when pointing out that a particular product has one or many faults. Through this, there will be trust from the consumers since they are tired of being misrepresented with unrealistic promises and commercialized pictures.
One such good example of anti-advertising is Apple’s ‘Think Different’ advertising campaign. Rather than advertise the specifications of their products, Apple associated with rebellion and innovative thinking of the consumers. The campaign helped consumers to Feel a Part of Something Big The campaign made the consumers feel that they were not merely consumers of the product but they are playing their role in serving the cause of a big society.
Another example that should be mentioned is the intentionally misleading advertisement of Volkswagen due to which people learned about a fault in the car which was called the ‘Lemon’.
In the ‘Be Stupid’ campaign, Diesel encouraged the audience to stop thinking and act intelligently following the notion of being stupid. Diesel used the media to encourage people to accept themselves and, their flaws, and to brand itself as the company for rebels.
Consumers are more highly skeptical about advertisements today than they used to be in the past. Anti-advertising is simply a concept that embraces skepticism as its prime virtue and provides a nice antidote to most advertising. As such, it erases the barriers and distances the audience and makes the message familiar.
This means that many anti-advertising messages will play on the customer’s rebellious nature. When so; the brand stands out as belonging to those who do not conform or are bored of being sold to.
Thus, anti-advertising gives a brand the advantage of focusing on a different approach when countless ads look the same and do not address the viewer’s expectations.
Due to the higher credibility of the given brands, the audience can develop better bonds with the brands in the long run resulting in high brand loyalty.
Such campaigns appear to be more shared because they are funny, and real, and because people don’t expect to see them. This in turn can increase interaction and sharing on social media channels.
To some extent there is a possibility that the anti-advertising could prove counterproductive if the perceived message is unwelcome or if the converse is arrived at is regarded as insincere.
All these ideas of anti-advertising can be rather silly or funny to some segments of the audience, which will lead to a wrong interpretation of the communication and a negative attitude towards the brand.
Anti-advertising is a very effective technique in the world of advertising in the contemporary world. Cult achievements turn conventional thinking of the effects of advertising upside down – this way brands establish trust and inform consumers. But it has to be done carefully and with proper knowledge of the target group so as not to fall into such traps.