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Googlebot Crawling Errors: How to Identify and Resolve?

Googlebot Crawling Errors: How to Identify and Resolve?

Hello friends!
Are you also wondering how Google interacts with your website? Or trying to understand why your website is not appearing in Google Search?

So let us understand this problem in simple language today and learn how Googlebot Crawling Errors How to identify and solve.

What is crawling?

First of all, let's understand Crawling What is.
Googlebot (Google's web crawler) comes to your website, reads the pages and then prepares them for its indexing process.
But if someone on your website Crawling Issue If so, your pages will not appear in search.

Why does the website not appear in search due to crawling errors?

Your page may be opening fine in the browser, but it may not be visible to Googlebot.
Why does this happen

  • Robots.txt Block: You have accidentally blocked Googlebot from accessing the URL.
  • Firewall Issues: Your website's firewall is blocking Googlebot.
  • DNS or Network Problems: There is a connection problem between Google's data centers and your servers.
  • Timeouts or 500 Errors: Your website server is not responding in time.

Tips to Identify and Fix Crawling Errors

1. Use URL Inspection Tool

Available in Google Search Console URL Inspection Tool This is a great feature. This will tell you that:

  • Can Googlebot access your page?
  • Whether it can render the HTML of the page or not.

How to do?

  1. Open Google Search Console.
  2. Enter the URL of your page.
  3. Search your content in rendered HTML.
    • If the content is visible properly, then there is no crawling issue.
    • If the content isn't visible, Googlebot can't reach your page.

2. Check the Crawl Stats Report

Search Console Crawl Stats Report Is also very helpful. Here you can see that:

  • How is your server responding to Googlebot?
  • How many? 500 Errors, Timeouts, come on DNS Issues Are happening.

If these errors are coming again and again, then there may be a major problem with your server.

3. Test URL Live

URLs with errors visible in Crawl Stats URL Inspection Tool Test live in.

  • If the URL is now working properly, it was a temporary problem.
  • If the problem persists, your server needs to be fixed.

Advanced Tips: Use Web Server Logs

If crawling errors are continuously coming, then you should Web Server Logs Should be checked.
Here you can see it:

  • The number of times Googlebot accessed your website.
  • How did the server respond?
  • There is no unknown request (fake Googlebots) coming.


Not every request is from Googlebot. Some fake bots also pose as Google bots.

Common Crawling Errors and their solutions

1. 500 Server Error

When your server isn't working properly, Googlebot 500 Error Get it.
how to fix:

  • Contact your hosting team.
  • Check Server Configuration and Performance.

2. Fetch Errors

When Googlebot can't retrieve page information Fetch Error happens.
how to fix:

  • URL Inspection Tool Test lives in.
  • Check Firewall and Bot Protection settings.

3. DNS Problems

If Googlebot can't connect to your server, DNS Issue It is possible
how to fix:

  • Update DNS Settings.
  • Get help from your domain registrar.

4. Timeout Issues

If your server is too slow, Googlebot gets a Timeout Error.
how to fix:

  • Increase server speed.
  • Optimize Heavy Scripts.

Tips to Avoid Crawling Issue

  1. Check the Robots.txt file:
    Make sure that you have not blocked any important pages.
  2. Upload Sitemap:
    Submit your website's XML Sitemap to Google Search Console.
  3. Do regular monitoring:
    Check your website performance every few weeks with Crawl Stats and URL Inspection Tool.
  4. Keep your server strong:
    Choose a good hosting plan to handle high traffic.

Result: Why is it Important to resolve Crawling Errors?

If you want your website to rank properly in Google Search, then do not ignore Crawling Errors.

  • These errors can harm both the ranking and traffic of your website.
  • With the right tools and regular monitoring, you can easily identify these problems.


Friends, fixing crawling errors is not as difficult as it seems.
Just use the right tools and test your website regularly.

So, are you ready to take your website to new heights in Google Search?

If yes, then today itself Google Search Console Use it and improve your website.
For any further questions or guides, let us know in the comments.

Questions? We've Got Answers.!

What is Googlebot and how does it crawl my website?

Googlebot is Google's web crawler that visits your website, reads pages, and prepares them for indexing. Crawling is the first step in getting your pages into Google Search.

What are common reasons for crawling errors?

Common reasons include blocked access via robots.txt, firewall issues, DNS or network problems, server timeouts, and 500 errors due to server malfunction.

How can I identify crawling errors on my website?

You can use the URL Inspection Tool and Crawl Stats Report in Google Search Console to identify errors like 500 errors, fetch issues, or DNS problems.

What tools can I use to troubleshoot crawling errors?

Tools like Google Search Console, URL Inspection Tool, and Web Server Logs are helpful for identifying and resolving crawling issues effectively.

How can I prevent crawling errors from occurring?

To prevent crawling issues, ensure robots.txt is properly configured, submit an XML sitemap to Google Search Console, and regularly monitor your site with Crawl Stats and URL Inspection.

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