How to Embed HubSpot Form in WordPress?

How to Embed HubSpot Form in WordPress?

Embedding HubSpot forms in WordPress is a powerful way to capture leads and grow your business. HubSpot provides a robust form builder that can be easily integrated into your WordPress site. This article will guide you through the steps of embedding a HubSpot form in WordPress, ensuring you can maximize the benefits of both platforms.

Why Use HubSpot Forms?

Before we dive into the how-to, let's understand why HubSpot forms are beneficial:

  1. Lead Generation: HubSpot forms are excellent tools for capturing leads and growing your contact list.
  2. Integration: These forms integrate seamlessly with HubSpot's CRM, allowing for efficient data management and follow-ups.
  3. Customization: HubSpot provides extensive customization options, enabling you to create forms that match your website's design and functionality.
  4. Analytics: Track and analyze form performance to optimize your lead capture strategy.

Steps to Embed HubSpot Form in WordPress

Step 1: Create a HubSpot Form

  1. Log in to HubSpot: Go to your HubSpot account and navigate to the Marketing tab.
  2. Access Forms: Under the Lead Capture section, select Forms.
  3. Create a New Form: Click on the "Create form" button. You can choose between various types of forms such as embedded forms, standalone pages, and pop-up forms.
  4. Customize the Form: Use the form builder to add fields, customize the design, and set up form actions like thank you messages or follow-up emails.
  5. Save the Form: Once you're satisfied with your form, save it and click on the "Embed" button to get the embed code.

Step 2: Get the Embed Code

  1. Copy the Embed Code: After saving your form, HubSpot will provide an embed code. Copy this code as you'll need it to insert the form into your WordPress site.

Step 3: Embed HubSpot Form in WordPress

There are two main methods to embed a HubSpot form in WordPress: using the Custom HTML block in the WordPress editor or using a plugin.

Method 1: Using the WordPress Block Editor
  1. Access the Page or Post Editor: Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the page or post where you want to embed the form.
  2. Add a Custom HTML Block: Click on the ?+? icon to add a new block, and search for the "Custom HTML" block.
  3. Paste the Embed Code: Paste the HubSpot form embed code into the Custom HTML block.
  4. Preview and Publish: Use the preview option to ensure the form looks correct. Once satisfied, publish or update the page or post.
Method 2: Using a Plugin

For users who prefer using plugins, the HubSpot WordPress plugin can simplify the process.

  1. Install the HubSpot Plugin: Go to Plugins > Add New and search for "HubSpot." Install and activate the plugin.
  2. Connect to HubSpot: Follow the prompts to connect your WordPress site to your HubSpot account.
  3. Embed the Form: Once connected, you can use the plugin to easily add forms to your posts and pages without needing to manually copy and paste embed codes.

Step 4: Adjust Form Settings

  1. Form Settings: After embedding the form, you might need to adjust some settings to ensure it functions properly. Check form visibility, mobile responsiveness, and placement to make sure it?s optimized for user interaction.
  2. Test the Form: Always test your form after embedding to ensure it?s working correctly. Submit a test entry and check if it appears in your HubSpot CRM.

Advanced Tips for Embedding HubSpot Forms

Advanced Tips for Embedding HubSpot Forms

Using Shortcodes

For more flexibility, you can use shortcodes provided by certain plugins to embed HubSpot forms. This method is useful if you need to place the form in widget areas or other parts of your site not directly accessible through the editor.

  1. Create a Shortcode: Some WordPress plugins allow you to create shortcodes for custom HTML.
  2. Embed the Shortcode: Place the shortcode anywhere on your site where you want the form to appear.

Styling the Form

Custom CSS can be used to style your HubSpot forms to match your website?s theme:

  1. Custom CSS: Add custom CSS rules to your WordPress theme?s stylesheet or use a plugin that allows custom CSS.
  2. Match Your Theme: Ensure the form design is consistent with your website?s overall aesthetic.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Form Not Displaying Correctly

If your form is not displaying correctly, ensure there are no conflicting CSS or JavaScript rules. Use browser developer tools to diagnose and fix any issues.

Performance Issues

Embedding multiple forms or heavy forms can sometimes slow down your site. Use performance optimization plugins like WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache to ensure your site remains fast.


Embedding a HubSpot form in WordPress is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance your lead generation efforts. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily create, customize, and embed HubSpot forms on your WordPress site. Whether you use the block editor or a plugin, HubSpot?s powerful form tools will help you capture valuable leads and grow your business effectively.



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